Twice Blessed

Written By: LJ

(This story involves Dennis’ thoughts concerning his two partners and covers a period of several years.)

I was trying to grade papers but kept being distracted by my partners’ activities on our king-size bed. Dusty was stretched out on his stomach with a look of pure ecstasy on his face. I guess I should clarify that by saying ‘on what I could see of his face’. Sighs of contentment were emanating from his slightly parted lips. Skyy was perched on Dusty’s butt and was giving our partner a very sensual massage while softly singing along to the romantic music playing in the background. On the night table beside them was a bottle of oil sitting in a bowl of warm water.

I put down the papers and reached over my shoulder to turn off the lamp, leaving the room dimly lit by two aromatic candles. As I watched the loves of my life, I let the ambience of the room hypnotize me and I reminded myself of how I came to be partnered to each of these precious young men.


Just over four years ago, I had been driving home from a faculty meeting and enjoying the warming spring weather when I noticed an old beat-up delivery truck stopped on the shoulder of the highway. Breaking an age-old habit, I pulled over to offer assistance to a perfect stranger. I saw a young man glance up at me as I got out of my car and walked over to the front of the truck where he was working under the hood.

“Anything I can help you with?” I asked as he climbed down off the fender.

“I don’t think so. This fucking piece of shit is dead, dead, dead,” he cursed as he took out his frustration on the front tire.

I ignored his language as well as his temper tantrum and commented, “Then maybe kicking it isn’t really going to do much good.”

“Are you trying to be funny? ‘Cause if you are, you haven’t exactly pulled it off, so why don’t you just shove the fuck off instead.” He actually pouted as he glared at me.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Behind the angry scowl were the most beautiful Bambi-like eyes I’d ever seen. They were surrounded by long dark lashes and were smoky-gray in colour. I thought his hair was light brown but as it was spiked with blond streaks and sweaty at the time, I couldn’t be sure. He was just over five foot-eight, approximately a hundred and fifty pounds, with a solid athletic build. He was so nice to look at and the streak of grease on his right cheek in no way detracted from his adorable face. I found myself hoping his sexual orientation was the same as mine.

“What do you plan to do with the truck?” I inquired.

“I’ve called my dispatcher and told him I was going to leave the fucking pile of junk right here on the side of the road. They’re sending a mechanic to pick it up. I could use a ride home though,” he muttered as he sat down on the driver’s step with a sigh of dejection.

“How about if I wait with you and then I’ll drive you home?” I wasn’t going to let the opportunity of getting to know him better, slip away.

“Why would you do that?”

“You said you needed a lift and I’m offering one. I don’t mind hanging around if it’s all right with you.”

“All right, and thanks. By the way, my name is Dustin Roberts but everyone calls me Dusty.” The young man extended his hand as he introduced himself and then offered up a self-conscious apology. “I’m sorry for mouthing off a few minutes ago.”

“Thank you! I’m Dennis Taylor,” I replied, shaking hands.

Once the truck had been pick-up and we were on our way, I asked him if he’d like to join me for dinner at an Italian restaurant I’d discovered recently and I was more than pleased when he accepted my invitation. Once again, I was willing to wait, this time while he cleaned up.

I don’t remember the meal itself but I do remember the conversation and how much I enjoyed his company. We were very much at ease with one another and learned we had a number of things in common. We enjoyed working out at the gym and had an interest in outdoor activities. We were both hockey fans. Our tastes in music differed somewhat but we both liked to dance. Our reading preferences were also very different, but I figured any differences would just keep life interesting. And yes, we were both gay. Throughout the meal I had to work hard to keep from grinning in delight at this marvelous twist of fate.

“I’m new in town,” I told him. “I moved here about a month ago to get settled before starting work at the university this fall.”

“What will you be doing at the university?”

“Teaching; I’ve accepted positions in both the History and the Sociology departments.”

“No shit! You don’t look old enough to be a professor!” he said with a look of astonishment.

“I turned twenty-four just last month and I’m only an assistant professor,” I informed him, holding back the urge to laugh. “What do you do? I mean besides kicking tires on broken down trucks?” I teased him and was rewarded with a stunning smile.

“I drive short-haul for a local trucking company but I want to try long-hauling someday ‘cause I think I’ll like it better. I have to wait another five years as the larger transport companies want drivers twenty-five years or older. It’s got something to do with insurance costs. Maybe someday I’ll even get my own tractor and broker out,” he told me before adding pensively, “I’m really not sure what I want to do.”

“Do you live on your own or with your family?”

“I live on my own in a small apartment. My parents are retired and live in a senior’s complex. I have an older brother who lives with his wife on snob hill. I don’t see him very much but I visit my mom and dad as often as possible.”

“I get the feeling you and your brother aren’t very close.”

“We have nothing in common. He’s sixteen years older than I am and he doesn’t like me much. I think he’s uncomfortable with some of my life-style choices. I guess I don’t live the way he thinks I should.”

I was interested in anything this young man had to say and I enjoyed listening to him. He was fun-loving and straightforward. He had an up-beat attitude that was evident whenever he spoke, no matter what he was talking about. The only exceptions to this seemed to be when he spoke of his brother or his job.

“I haven’t met many people since arriving in town,” I informed him when I dropped him off at his apartment. “What are the chances of us getting together again?”

“I was really hoping you’d ask. Do you play baseball?” he asked excitedly.

“As a matter of fact, I do. Why?”

“I pitch for a local team and we’re looking for a center fielder. We play every Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon. Interested?”

“I’d like that. How about it if I pick you up for tomorrow’s game?”

“Great! See you here at three o’clock!”

We steadily got to know each other over the next couple of months. We spent as much time together as our working schedules permitted and eventually became lovers.

I’m confident I will always enjoy mentally replaying the first time we made love. We had been dating for a month when I invited him over to my place one evening, with every intention of furthering our friendship. I put a lot of work into the preparations of a romantic candlelight dinner. Although we both had been in past relationships, I wanted our first time together to be perfect for him. We were stretched out, relishing the feel of our naked bodies pressing against one another. As we slowly moved past the touching and kissing stage, I picked up the lube and squeezed some onto my hand. I rubbed some between those perfectly rounded mounds and gently pushed my finger in, tantalizing him with long smooth strokes until he sighed and relaxed. I looked down into his face as I position myself and slowly entered his body, feeling him close in around me. He was tight and I hoped I was not hurting him. He showed no sign of discomfort as he lifted himself up against me, opening wider to lessen the pressure. His beautiful gray eyes were sultry and smoky. I held his hips and repeatedly thrust all the way in to build to a sensational crescendo until we peaked and plunged over the edge. It left both of us gasping. I leaned in to kiss his lips and then dropped my head on his shoulder before turning us on our sides. I gathered him close and wrapped my arms around him. We were both well-sated. He kissed me and it blew me away.

By the end of the summer, we had reached the point in our relationship when moving in together seemed the most natural step and something we both wanted. It certainly made it easier than dividing our evenings between each other’s apartments. We chose to live in my place because it was the larger of the two and in a better part of town.

The time arrived to meet each other’s families. Right from the first I liked his parents, finding them to be gentle kind-hearted people with a deep abiding love for their sons. That love was also unconditionally given to their sons’ companions. They’ve never had a problem with their youngest son’s sexual orientation and welcomed me into the family with open arms. It’s easy to see why Dusty is such a caring, generous man.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Dusty’s brother. For some reason, Curtis matured into an aloof, rigid man. I personally believe he’s jealous of his younger brother, even though he himself has acquired recognition among his colleges and peers as a chartered accountant and is fairly well-off. His wife is obviously a social-climber and has a tendency to look down her nose at both her husband’s family and me. I don’t really care for either of them, but they’re family and it is inevitable that we socialize with them now and again. As long as they do not interfere with Dusty’s happiness, I can take them or leave them.

My family also took an immediate liking to Dusty and I was pleasantly surprised, as I had expected my parents would need time to get used to the idea of me having a partner. I was remembering their reaction of almost a year ago when I finally told them that I would not be following in their footsteps and having a traditional family.

“What do you mean, you’re gay? When did you decide that?” My father was trying hard to understand what I had just told him.

“Dad, I’ve always been gay. Think about it. When was the last time I dated a girl? When was the last time I even mentioned dating a girl?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. I did it for him. “Not since junior high.”

“Why did you wait so long to tell us, Dennis?” my mother asked uncomfortably.

“I’m not sure. During my teenage years, I was hoping you’d eventually figure it out yourselves. I’ve been at college the past seven years and there just never seemed to be an appropriate time to talk about it. I wanted to tell you before I move away permanently to begin a life of independence, so to speak.”

“Have you been with other men?”

“Yes, Dad; I dated throughout university and even had a couple of what I thought at the time as serious relationships. Nothing ever came of them.”

“Your mother and I were looking forward to our oldest son making us grandparents and providing someone to carry on the family name.”

“Come on, Dad. There’s Rodney to carry on the name. He’s only been married a year but he and Sara do plan on having a family. And to hear Laura talk, she wants a dozen children.” I laughed at my parents’ response to that idea.

“I’m sure she’ll change her mind soon enough,” my mother commented, while my father looked at the ceiling and rolled his eyes.

“I guess there’s nothing we can do to change your mind, is there?” Acknowledging the negative shake of my head, my mother gently said, “Well, honey, you’ll have to give us a little time to get used to it.” With that, she patted my hand, got up and left the room to check on supper.

My father smiled as we both stood up from the sofa. He reached over and placed a hand on each side of my head, drawing me towards him to plant a kiss on my forehead. It was something he had done throughout my childhood. “I’ll let you tell your younger brother and sister.”

“Thanks a bunch!” I laughed along with him.

Dusty eventually confided in me that he hated his job. He was driving for a small transportation company but he really wanted to work on the diesel engines, not drive the trucks. He had allowed someone to convince him that he wasn’t smart enough to be an engineer and as a result, he had quit university halfway through his third year. I guess the thing that annoyed me most about this situation was that the person who put him down was none other than his brother, Curtis. It took quite a bit of persuading on my part to finally get him to go back to school and complete the remaining year and a half needed to get his degree.

It took a great deal of courage for him to return to university and my admiration and love for him grew on a daily basis. He was so frightened and yet very determined to succeed, but he wanted help.

“Den, I can’t do this by myself. I can’t seem to get organized enough to complete my assignments and prepare for exams. Is there anyway you can help me?” He asked me this after going through yet another meltdown. He was in tears and working himself into a nervous wreck.

“How do you want me to help, baby? I’ll do whatever I can, sweetheart.” I was holding him and trying to get him calmed down.

“How the hell should I know,” he wailed. “Maybe set up a schedule or something. How did you get all your studying done and still keep a part-time job?”

“I guess I just had whatever it took to do it. Everyone is different, Dusty. We all have different talents and abilities. But I can see you would benefit from setting goals and having guidelines to follow. Have you ever heard about discipline relationships, love?” I finally asked the question I had considered bringing up on several occasions.

I had been in such a relationship during one of my university years; nothing long-term and no major commitment involved, which is probably why it was doomed to failure right from the start. I truly believed that a loving discipline relationship would work for both of us. It hurt me to see him so distressed and shattered. He was more than intelligent enough to complete his degree. I never had any doubts about that, even though he did. He just needed assistance because of his lack of self-confidence and limited organizational skills.

“No, I’ve never heard of them.” He looked up at me in bewilderment.

“It’s a type of relationship that involves us understanding each other’s needs and desires. It involves setting up rules that work for both of us and it also includes consequences for breaking the rules. It will mean you giving me the right to have final say in the decisions concerning us and our relationship.”

“Just what do you mean by consequences?” He seemed interested but understandably hesitant.

“I’m talking about punishments; like extra chores, lines, grounding, corner-time and when necessary, spanking.”

“What? Are you fucking serious? Corner-time? Spanking?” he yelled, jumping up off my lap.

“Maybe we should also consider the use of soap to clean up your language, young man,” I admonished sharply. Then tugging him back down into my arms and speaking gently, I continued. “Dusty, love; you don’t have to make any snap decisions. We can take all the time we need to think it over and talk about it. You can also check out the Internet for additional information if you want.”

“What if I don’t want to or can’t do this?” he whispered.

“Then we’ll have to come up with something else. We’ll be okay, babe,” I assured him. I would not push him into something he was uncomfortable with. The final decision had to be his.

Over the next two weeks, Dusty spent every spare minute reading on-line, asking questions, and literally discussing it into the ground.

“Okay!” he said one morning through a mouthful of cereal.

“Okay, what?” I questioned.

“I want to try it; just a trial run at first to see if it helps any.”

“For how long, do you think?”

“I don’t know. What would be a reasonable length of time?”

“I think three months is a good trial period. We should have a pretty good idea of where we want to go from there.”

After agreeing to a list of rules, we began to incorporate them into our daily lives. Dusty seemed more settled and on track. Then suddenly, he started pushing the boundaries. Pushing hard! He was testing me. He wanted to see if he could depend on me to hold up my end of the agreement. He made it through several of the milder punishments before deliberately choosing to go as far over the line as he could and earning his first spanking.

I don’t think he expected it to hurt as much as it did. His parents had been in their early forties when he came along and probably because of their ages, had over-indulged him his entire childhood. From what he told me, they had never really punished him and had certainly never used any form of physical discipline.

“I still think I should be able to go to the rally this afternoon,” he complained, stirring sugar into his cup of coffee. “Most of my friends and fellow students will be there.”

“First off, most of your friends will not be there. Secondly, you aren’t even taking the course the protesting students are dissatisfied with. Thirdly, you have an assignment due tomorrow that you still have to finish. And finally, I said no!” I once again listed as patiently as I could, all the reasons for not allowing him to attend.

He went anyway. I can’t imagine how he figured I wouldn’t find out about it. After all, I work there.

“All right, young man; you know exactly where I expect to find you when I join you in our bedroom in fifteen minutes,” I said, closing the front door behind him. I removed my suit jacket and tie, draped them over a chair and headed into the kitchen.

I used his corner-time to put a chicken in the oven and prepare vegetables for supper. That done, I took a deep breath and walked down the hall to discuss the meaning of ‘no’ with my Brat.

“Why did you go, Dusty?” I asked as I pulled a chair away from the wall and sat down.

“I wanted to! I told you that!” He was standing in front of me, suddenly nervous about having disobeyed.

“And what did I say?”


An hour later, Dusty was still curled up on my lap and still sniffling. “That r-really h-hurt!” he hitched. “I didn’t know you would make me take my pants off.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to avoid smiling at his look of indignation that lost its’ effectiveness due to the spiked eyelashes, the tear-stained cheeks and the pout.

“Was disobeying and going to the rally worth it, love?” I asked, kissing his damp hair and rubbing circles on his back.

“Noooo! I’m sorry, Den. I’ll listen from now on,” he promised, burrowing his head into my shoulder.

‘Hmmm, how many times will I be hearing that in the future?’

Each episode brought us closer together and increased the level of security Dusty needed to fulfill his dreams. It was hard work but we made it and it was more than worth it. The end of the three-month trial period came and went, but the only major adjustments were due to the growth and maturing of each of us or because of our ever-changing needs.

Meeting and developing friendships with others living the same life-style, expanded our social circle. We became very close to our family doctor, Dominic, and his two partners, Slade and Jayden. Of course, it also led to a few undesirable incidents.

Once we had decided to continue the discipline aspect of our relationship, we purchased a small paddle to be used for the most serious offences involving harmful or dangerous activities. So far we have had to drag it out of its’ hiding place less than half a dozen times. Two of those times have been a result of Dusty’s involvement with Dominic’s Brats. Dusty quickly learned that playing chicken with cars and experimenting with Ecstasy, were definitely not on his list of activity choices.

Two years after we first met, Dusty graduated with his engineering degree and was finally able to work in the field of his choice. My very own grease-monkey had met his goals and I had more pride in his accomplishments than in my own. His had been harder-fought battles. His parents and I sat together, cheering him on as he walked up to the podium for his degree. Even his brother and sister-in-law begrudgingly attended the ceremony.

That fall we moved into our own home. We loved the idea of being homeowners and having our own yard with plenty of space and most importantly, privacy.

“This is great, Den. It couldn’t have work out better. Just when we decided to start looking, the Petersen’s put their home on the market. Good thing Mom and Dad know them and we got first crack at it.” He was looking around the living room after putting down the last carton. “Boy, it’s going to take the rest of this long week-end to unpack.”

“There’s no rush, Dusty. And yes, I think we made a terrific deal, love. The house has been completely done over, so we’ll have nothing major to do for the next few years. Just think of all the extra space. Quite a difference between a three-room apartment with street parking and a four-bedroom home with a study, family room, master suite, and three bathrooms.”

“Plus a large lot with a pool and a three-car garage with a workshop,” Dusty said excitedly as he went to answer the doorbell. “Mom and Dad are here with Curtis and Bernice.” He grimaced as he said the last two names.

“We brought you a couple of house-warming gifts,” Millicent said, kissing Dusty’s cheek and then mine before handing us a large, colourfully wrapped parcel. “We’ve also brought over a meal to make your moving-day easier.”

Leonard embraced his son and offered his congratulations before coming over to shake my hand.

“I’d be surprised if some of the neighbours weren’t less than friendly. After all, not everyone would be happy with the idea of two men living together in their community,” Curtis commented spitefully as he and his wife sat down and exchanged glances.

“Really, Curtis, that was uncalled for!” Millicent admonished from the kitchen where she was unpacking containers of food and placing them on the table.

“Actually, we’ve already met several of our new neighbours and have been very warmly welcomed by everyone we’ve spoken to,” I informed him, walking over to place an arm around Dusty’s shoulders when I saw him stiffen. Noticing the hurt look on his face, I leaned closer and whispered. “Don’t let him get to you, sweetheart.”

“Humph!” Curtis seemed at a lost for words.

Before anything else could be added to the uncomfortable silence that followed, I opened the front door in response to Dominic’s knock. ‘Perfect timing for back-up to arrive,’ I laughed to myself and stayed in the doorway to welcome my family members who had pulled into the driveway behind our friends.

“I’d shake hands with everyone if I had a hand that wasn’t already occupied,” my father joked. “Your mother was afraid you wouldn’t have had time to get groceries in.”

“Young men can always use a little extra, Phillip,” Mom pretended to be affronted by his comment. “Rodney and Sara send their love. They’re sorry they couldn’t make it but with the baby due any time now, they just prefer to stick close to home.”

“Here, let me help you with that, Janet,” Dusty offered, taking the parcels from my mother and accepting a peck on the cheek.

“Your home looks gorgeous, Dennis. Mom says you even have a swimming pool. Can I go see it?” my kid sister asked.

“I’ll give you all a guided tour in just a minute, Laura. Let me introduce everyone first.”

Just as the tour ended, I saw Bernice light up a cigarette and suggested that we have an impromptu picnic on the back deck. Neither Dusty nor I smoke and we prefer that no one else do so in our home.

For the next hour, Dusty and I with the help of our three friends, managed to keep up a congenial front for our parents’ sake. I don’t think anyone was disappointed when Curtis announced that he and Bernice had a prior engagement to attend that evening.

This was the first time Dusty’s and my parents had met. Despite the age difference, they discovered they had a lot of similar interests. Both our mothers had been stay-at home moms and our fathers had careers in finance. While Dusty’s father had been retired for a few years, my father was still busy as the president of a large bank in our hometown.

My sister and Dusty had been friends from the moment they met. With only two years between their ages, it gave them a lot in common. Together with Slade and Jayden, they spent a fun-filled evening while Dominic helped me play the part of host.

“You know, I’d say our first time entertaining in our new home was a smashing success. What do you think, my little grease-monkey?” We were standing together on the front veranda, waving goodbye to the last of our guests.

“Yep, smashing!” Dusty leaned into me for a hug and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Let’s go celebrate our first night in our own home by enjoying our favourite activity.”

One habit Dusty developed shortly after acquiring our larger living space was bringing home strays; dogs, cats, birds of every description. I never did learn where the rabbit had come from. All of these little creatures were either hurt or ill and all had been abandoned. He’d care for them, making sure they were healthy before finding them permanent homes. He was never allowed to keep them because he could never have stopped at just one and if allowed, would have turned our home into a small zoo. He quickly became attached to them and I knew it upset him every time he had to give one up, so I finally had to forbid him to bring home any more.

Over a year and a half after we settled in our house, Dusty brought home one last stray and I’ll be eternally thankful he did. This last was a major surprise and changed our lives forever.

After getting over the shock of finding a small, very ill, young man in our bed and while waiting for the medical help to arrive, I got Dusty to assist me in following the instructions of our family physician. The most immediate need was to get the fever under control.

While Dusty ran the bath water, I began stripping my partner’s little foundling. I looked up and saw the fear in his large too-sad eyes; unusual violet-blue eyes that had me momentarily mesmerized. I suspected had he been physically able to do so, the boy would have been fighting us off and making a run for it. He was weak, running a fever and having difficulty breathing between the bouts of ragged coughing. The bath left him exhausted.

Our family doctor arrived half an hour later and our houseguest still had not uttered a word. He fell asleep just as Dominic finished his examination.

After talking it over, it was decided we would take care of him but Social Services would have to be called because Skyy was still a minor. Although Child Services offered to cover the cost of his medical care, they were more than relieved to leave him with us.

By the end of the first week, his temperature was down and he was coughing less. That was the only headway we had made. He was still weak, had no appetite, hated the nebulizer, was sleeping sporadically, and still barely talking to us.

Fortunately, things gradually started to improve. Four weeks after Skyy’s arrival, the medi-mist treatments were no longer necessary, his appetite was improving daily and he had fallen into a sound sleeping pattern. All this enabled him to finally regain his strength and he was starting to become more comfortable with his surroundings. As his health improved and he adjusted to our schedules, Skyy began to take on some of the household chores.

Although he never asked to accompany us anywhere, he did seem to enjoy hanging out with us. He wasn’t overly fond of the gym or the malls, but he loved the outdoors. Walking in the park became one of our favourite activities and we all participated in it. I was amazed at how drawn he was to older people and small children yet went out of his way to avoid anyone in between those two age groups.

We couldn’t take him with us when we went to a club because of his age. But he didn’t mind being on his own the few occasions Dusty and I went out for the evening. It was as if he was used to being left alone and was comfortable with it.

I learned he was afraid of the dark, so we got him a nightlight. It is still plug into a socket on his side of our bed. I also discovered he loved to read. He’d read anything he could get his hands on and I made sure there was a different book left on his bedside table every night so he’d have something to read when he woke up in the morning. I’d often find him curled up in my grandfather’s old rocking chair, which stood in the corner of his room.

Skyy had been with us for a month when an opportunity presented itself and we were able to introduce him to our families.

“It’s Den’s twenty-eighth birthday,” I overheard Dusty explaining to him. “Our families and a few of our closest friends are coming over for a dinner party. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

I finished up in the bathroom and walked into our bedroom to see Skyy sitting on the foot of our bed, watching my partner get ready. He looked a little uncertain. “Skyy,” I said gently to get his attention. “You’ll enjoy yourself, sweetie. You’ve already met Dominic and his partners. Dusty’s and my parents know you’ve been with us for a while and are looking forward to meeting you.” I was relieved to see him nod and smile up at us.

Our families immediately took to Skyy. It did not come as a surprise to see him gravitate towards Dusty’s parents. He was more at ease with them than he was with Slade, Jayden, or Laura. We were more than astounded at the entertainment value he found in just listening to and watching Curtis and Beatrice during their short visit. I couldn’t figure out what he found so amusing and he was the only one disappointed when they left.

“Are they for real?” Skyy asked as he washed the dishes. “They’re like some of the characters you see in the comic section of the newspaper. They sure made the party for me.”

“Skyy, Curtis and Bernice spent the entire time they were here, putting you down.” Dusty was furious at his brother’s attitude towards this young man who we cared so much about. “Didn’t it bother you?”

“No. Their opinion isn’t important to me and even though I thought they were kinda mean, I still felt sorry for them. Man, I sure liked watching them. They’re not very happy people, are they? Course it’s their own fault.” A look of guileless sincerity played across his face. I smiled at the expression of thoughtful bewilderment on Dusty’s face. I had also been unprepared for Skyy’s intuitiveness.

We had no idea how Skyy would react the first time he witnessed Dusty being disciplined, but we eventually found out.

“See you guys later,” Dusty announced, leaning down to kiss me goodbye.

“Hold it, love. Forgetting something?” I asked, pointing at his lunch box.

“I didn’t feel like packing it this morning, Den.”

“And just how many times in the past week did you not feel like it?”

“I’m not sure,” he answered, looking down at his feet.

“Think about it!” I strongly suggested.

“Twice,” he mumbled.

“Where did you eat on the days you didn’t take a lunch?” I already knew the answer but wanted him to tell me.

“At the mobile canteen,” he admitted without glancing up and shuffled from one foot to another.

“What is the rule about that, young man?”

“That I’m not to eat there because the food is greasy and not prepared properly and I’ve gotten sick from eating it in the past.” His voice was getting steadily lower and harder to hear. “But I get tired of packing a lunch every day, Den.” He tried pleading for my sympathy.

“I can understand that, Dustin, but the rule is there to protect you from getting ill. I love you too much to allow you to take chances with your health.” I stood up and directed him over to the kitchen counter with several heavy swats to the seat of his jeans. They were hard enough to make him yelp. “You are not leaving here until your lunch is packed. I mean it, Dustin!” I stated firmly when he stood there looking at me and rubbing at the sting on his backside. “And you can plan on spending time in the study this evening, writing lines.”

I watched him grab up some fruit, a handful of cookies, a packet of cheese and crackers, and a bottle of V-8 juice. He threw everything into the lunch box and slammed the lid before glancing up at me with a look of uncertainty. I held out my arms and he burrowed into my shoulder, wanting to be cuddled for a few moments. No further words were needed. I kissed his forehead and sent him off with a much gentler swat on his butt. He turned and smiled as he walked out the back door.

I had seen Skyy’s frown and wondered what he had made of the exchange between Dusty and myself. He seemed to be thinking it over but didn’t say anything. The next morning Dusty didn’t have to pack a lunch. Skyy had already done it. I recognized it as a labour of love. One he has performed every workday since then.

We decided to wait until he asked questions before explaining the discipline aspect of our relationship. Dusty and I had already discussed this and agreed if Skyy stayed with us, he would have to be told. The occasion to do so came sooner than I had anticipated.

I thought Skyy was asleep when I called Dusty into the study one night. It was after midnight and until a few minutes earlier I’d had no idea of the whereabouts of my partner. We both knew how this was going to end.

The sounds of the spanking woke Skyy and frightened him. He accused me of beating Dusty. It took half an hour to settle him after explaining what had happened and why, with promises to talk more about it in the morning.

Unlike Dusty, who is like an open book, outgoing and talkative, Skyy is an enigma. When unsure of his world, he appears shy and reserved. He pays close attention to what is going on around him and puts a lot of thought into things before drawing any conclusions. When he is comfortable, he can be mischievous and impulsive. He’s a lot harder to understand and I am often left wondering if I am adequately meeting his needs.

Dusty and I were still in the talking stage of whether or not to ask Skyy to be our partner. We were falling in love with this beautiful young man, but had to be sure that becoming a threesome would enhance and not destroy our present relationship. It also had to be right for Skyy and he would have to make the final decision.

“Dusty, are you sure you are doing this for the right reasons?” I asked once again, sitting down beside him on the sofa in our living room. Skyy was asleep for the night and we were enjoying our nightly ritual of quality time together. I needed to be certain that my partner was prepared for all the changes we would have to make. I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that I loved, wanted, and needed Skyy as much as I had ever loved, wanted and needed Dusty. “You’re sure you won’t have a problem sharing me with Skyy?”

“Actually, I thought I’d be sharing him with you.” His eyes sparkled as he smiled up at me and sincerely stated. “I love him, Den. I can’t imagine life without him now.”

I looked at this wonderful man I loved more than life itself and knew he meant every word he said. I reached over to pull him closer. “All right then. We’ll wait until after he turns eighteen to bring it up. Remember, love, we both have to be prepared for either his acceptance or rejection and it may take him a little time to come to a decision. He isn’t to be pressured in any way. Understand?”

“Got it!” Dusty agreed and turned in my arms to seal our agreement with a soul-searing kiss.

“The night is still young, my love. Let’s go upstairs and take advantage of it,” I suggested, returning his kisses.

A call from the police station in early May resulted in my spanking Skyy for the first time. Even though he and I had thoroughly discussed how discipline was part of our home-life, it took this spanking for him to understand there was a difference between a beating and a spanking. The discipline was to help keep him safe and let him know that someone loved him enough to prevent him from endangering himself. But he wanted more from us. He wanted to know he had a permanent place in someone’s life, that he belonged to someone and that someone belonged to him, that he finally had a home and family.

One week after he turned eighteen, Dusty and I asked him if he would like to stay with us permanently. He knew he had other choices. Now that he was of age he could choose to go to a youth center, find a job and become independent. I knew he would not stay with us unless he wanted to. He would go back to the streets first. But he wanted to stay. He just needed time to figure out for himself what his place would be. It ended up taking him over a month of questioning, researching, and talking before he was ready to commit to becoming a partner.

In the meantime, two weeks after his birthday Skyy came home and announced he had found a job. He was starting work at Mulligan’s Farmers’ Market the following Monday. Twenty hours a week at minimum wage and he was thrilled.

“Skyy, wouldn’t you like to go back to school? Wouldn’t you like to have a career?” I inquired.

“I don’t know,” he answered, looking awkward and uncertain.

“Well, maybe you should consider it. I requested this copy of your transcript.” I handed him the envelope I had been holding in my hand. “You only have three partial credits to complete in order to obtain your high school diploma. Your attendance was very poor but your marks were excellent. Have you ever considered attending a college or university?”

“I never gave it much thought because I didn’t figure I’d ever be able to. Even with this job, I wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

“You know, if you finish your grade twelve and maintain these high marks, you could easily qualify for a bursary. Summer classes are set to begin at the end of the month. What do you think?”

“I think you should go for it, Buddy,” Dusty jumped in when he saw Skyy hesitating.

“What about my job?” Skyy asked and both of them looked at me expectantly.

“All your classes are held in the morning, so you may be able to make arrangements to work afternoons,” I suggested.

“Hmmm, or maybe Saturdays and Sundays,” he said thoughtfully.

“No! You don’t want to work those days!” Dusty exclaimed. “We always try to get in a couple of weekend camping trips during the summer. Besides, Den and I play baseball almost every Saturday. You want to be at the games, don’t you?”

“You mean just sit around and watch? Man, that’s going to get so bor-r-ring.”

“Okay, so maybe we can find something for you to do…ahhh…like bat boy.”

“Yeah, right! Like I can hardly wait!” Skyy crossed his arms and scowled.

“I’m sure we can find activities to interest you, Sport. I’m willing to bet you’ll be happier if you keep your weekends free,” I encouraged, hoping to avoid the pending argument.

He thought it over for several minutes. “Hmmm. Okay, I’ll try it. All of it, I mean. You know, school, work, weekends…..the works!” he exclaimed as he bounced in his seat. He was beginning to get excited with the plans being made.

“Good idea!” I gently thumped him on the head, making him laugh.

“Come on, Buddy. Let’s go outside while Den makes supper and we’ll see how good you are at catching a baseball.” Dusty headed for the backyard fully expecting Skyy to follow. He did!

Skyy was busy. He didn’t seem to get overwhelmed by all he did; work, school, play, and still doing his share of the household chores. The only time he stopped was when he crashed every night at exactly ten o’clock. Then he was up and raring to go at six o’clock every morning. He was adamant about me keeping his paycheck, insisting on paying his own way. So we made a deal. His weekly check was put in the household account and he received an allowance.

Every morning while Dusty was still sleeping, Skyy and I spent an hour together, curled up in the double recliner and listening to CD’s. I used the time to get closer and gain a better understanding of him. Skyy used the time to ask questions about relationships. He was mainly interested in ours and where he would fit in.

“You promise you won’t leave me or kick me out?” My heart lurched as I saw the look of uncertainty on his face as well as the pain and longing there. Once again, I wondered what his life had been like. How many times had he been abandoned and by whom? He had yet to offer any substantial amount of information about his life. He repeatedly pushed aside all attempts made by Dusty or I to discuss the past.

“The offer is for the rest of your life, Skyy.”

“What if I want to be a partner but don’t want to be disciplined?”

“Then we will have to come up with something that works for all three of us. It will be difficult but not impossible.” I assured him he would not be coerced into anything not of his choosing.

“But I can have rules like Dusty if I want, right?”

I knew what he was really asking for. “You can have anything you need to become the best you can be, little one.”

“Rules and consequences, right?” he nodded his head in agreement to his own question.

“Boundaries to keep you safe, guidelines to help you achieve your goals,” I explained.

“Will you use a strap or a belt or sticks or something to punish me?” He spoke so quietly I could hardly hear him, but I easily sensed the fear behind the words.

“I promise to never use anything other than my hand, sweetheart.”

“No punching or kicking either, eh?” he asked and looked up at me for reassurance.

My chest tightened. ‘God,’ I thought, ‘who would have hurt him like that?’ Holding him close and speaking softly into his hair, I promised, “Never! I would never harm you like that or allow anyone else to!”

“I’m still a little scared!” he whispered as he burrowed into my shoulder.

“I know, sweetie. It’s a difficult decision,” I assured him of my understanding and kissed his forehead.

He lifted his head off my shoulder and gazed into my eyes while gently patting my cheek. I felt he was probing deeply into my soul to determine if I was telling the truth. He must have been satisfied with whatever he saw because he put his head back down and snuggled against me. The conversation was over for the time being.

A week later, I woke up in the middle of the night wondering what had disturbed my sleep. I turned on the lamp by my side of the bed and looked up to see Skyy in the doorway of Dusty’s and my bedroom. He was standing there in one of Dusty’s old T-shirts, waiting for a sign from me. I lifted the blankets in invitation. He smiled, ran over and jumped in beside me. He had made his decision. He cuddled up against me, put his head on my chest and fell asleep. I realized this was where he belonged and was pleasantly taken back at how perfect it felt. My eyes filled as I acknowledged to myself the leap of faith this young man had just taken.

Skyy’s sexual initiation was accomplished over a period of time. He was game for just about anything but for some reason never made the first move with either Dusty or myself. I thought he was afraid and for the umpteenth time wondered what had happened to him in the past. But being Skyy, he just needed the time to figure out things for himself and I waited until he came to me with the questions foremost in his mind.

“How come you don’t do the same things to me that you do to Dusty?” he quietly asked me one morning from his place on my lap.

“What do you mean, sweetheart?” I used the remote control to turn down the music so I could hear him better.

“Well, it’s been almost three weeks since I moved into your big bed and you haven’t actually made love to me.” He seemed shy and a little uncomfortable. “Is it because I don’t turn you on?”

“Oh man, you turn me on all right! Big time! But I was waiting for you to indicate you were ready to go that far.” I looked down into those violet-blue eyes of his and felt my body responding to him. “I want very much to make love to you, baby. You have no idea how much. Have you ever had anal sex with anyone, love?”

“No, I never wanted to. I want to make love with you though.”

“I want your first time to be special so you’ll always remember it. Dusty is going out with some of his fellow workers tonight and we’ll have the place all to ourselves. There will be just the two of us. What do you think?”

“I guess I can wait until then,” he said, smiling up at me. I could see a faraway look of anticipation in his eyes as he tried to imagine what this evening held in store. I bend my head and gave him a kiss; a kiss he returned in full.

That evening Skyy and I took advantage of having our home to ourselves. “Hmmm, you smell so good, baby.” I nuzzled into his neck, breathing in the fragrance of herbal shampoo. I had rolled him out of a big bath towel and onto our bed. “Are you frightened, Skyy?” I had to be sure he was prepared for what I was about to do to him.

“I know it will hurt, Den, but I’m not afraid. I trust you and I really want to do this.” He was a little breathless from the foreplay we had enjoyed in the bathtub.

“All right, my love.” I reached for the lube and after using some on myself, rubbed a generous amount on him. “We’ll be taking it easy, so don’t be afraid to ask me to stop, baby.”

Leaning on one arm, I watched his face as I slowly slide a finger into his body. He almost came off the bed when I touch his prostate. His beautiful eyes widened in wonder as he held his breath for a moment. I kissed him deeply as I inserted a second finger. He was so tight and I was prepared to take a long time to get him ready in order to avoid hurting him too much. “Open your legs further, baby.” I whispered in his ear before kissing him again. When I felt he had been stretched enough, I positioned myself and began to gently press into him.

“Ohhh. It hurts, Den. It hurts!” he panted. I started to withdraw but he wrapped his legs around my back and pushed himself upwards. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

“Okay, baby. Just take a deep breath and relax. That’s it; deep breaths.” When I felt him relax, I slowly entered until I had completely buried myself in him. His body closed around me, encasing me in soft velvet. He smiled up at me and any distress he had experienced was gone. I started moving, gradually taking us to the peak of pleasure and beyond.

“That was terrific, Den. I love you!” my beautiful little lover whispered before falling into a very sated sleep.

“And I love you more than words can say, sweetheart.” I drew him closer and pulling the covers over us, fell asleep spooned up behind him. My first time making love to him was as special a memory as my first time with Dusty.

“How did things go last night, Den?” Dusty asked me the next day. He looked up from where he was leaning against the deck railing. He had been watching Skyy work in a flowerbed at the back of the garden. His love for the two of us was evident in his handsome face.

“It was perfect.” I walked over and took him into my arms to kiss him. “Thanks for letting us have that private time, darling.”

“Heh, a guy’s first time should be one on one, right?” he smiled, putting his arms around my neck and rubbing noses.

Yes, we are a threesome. Oh, my god! At one time, had someone so much as suggested I would one day have two Brats, I would have considered them certifiable; the idea was so preposterous! I had my hands full with one and had grave misgivings of my ability to love and care for two. Now, I would never want to be without them. Yes, I’d had my doubts, but I no longer remember what they were.

Dusty and Skyy are opposite in many ways and yet so very similar in others. I love them equally and hope I can live up to their expectations. They are the ones who make me the person I am.


“Help me, Den! Help me!” Skyy’s laughing voice pulled me from my daydreaming. He was trying to push Dusty away and stop our partner from tickling him. I got up to help him and ended up being the one tickled.

“Would you like a massage, Den?” Skyy offered, as we lay side-by-side trying to catch our breaths.

“That’d be great, honey.” Stripping down to my boxers, I stretched out on the bed. Skyy settled on my butt to start spreading scented oil on my back; his deceptively fragile-looking fingers firmly kneading the muscles of my shoulders. “Hmmmm!” I moaned contentedly. “This feels sooo good, baby.” I was only vaguely aware of Dusty leaving the room and returning a few moments later.

Just as Skyy finished with my back and shoulders, I felt Dusty lifting him off me. I rolled over to see the two of them standing beside me, completely naked. They’re beautiful; each of them a one-of-a-kind treasure, uniquely special. Skyy with his exquisite violet-blue eyes and small fey-like perfectly proportioned body; so fair it looks as if his only body hair is the golden curls on his head and groin area; Dusty is four inches taller and at least thirty pounds heavier, a little darker and physically gorgeous to look at with his enchanting seductive gray eyes. Silhouetted against the candlelight, they appeared angelic and as always my body immediately responded to them.

Dusty bent over and pulled at my waistband. “Lift your hips, love.” I did as requested and groaned as he drew my boxers over my erection. He straddled me and after a generous application of lube, slowly impaled himself. Once seated, he reached for our younger lover and laid Skyy down with his hips cradled against Dusty’s, his shoulder blades on my chest and his head next to mine. I wrapped my arms around my smallest partner and ran my hands across his nipples, causing them to harden. Skyy turned his face and I felt his breath against my cheek. Reaching down further, I took each of them in my hands and followed the rhythm of Dusty’s repetitive movements. I felt Shyy shudder and Dusty tightened around me as we all climaxed at the same time. Dusty leaned in to exchange kisses with both of us and Skyy turned to kiss me. We lay there for several minutes, regaining our breaths and allowing our heart rates to return to normal. Then Dusty picked up the warm, damp cloth he had ready and gently cleaned us.

I glanced down at Skyy as I slid him off my chest to curl up beside me. “Let me guess. It’s ten o’clock, isn’t it?”

“Yep, and he’s asleep,” Dusty chuckled as he cuddled against my other side. “Love you, Den. Him, too.”

“Love you both too, my little grease-monkey.”

The End

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